Reading List for October 13-14
Bringing you lots of relevant articles on investing this week, from current events (stock market drop this week and interest rate increases) to analysis of booms, busts, and advice.
- Wednesday’s market drop as explained by the New York Times.
- Here is an article from 2016 by Ron Lieber (NYT) that came up in my feed but is timeless advice relating to this week’s market movement.
- Neil Irwin explains in his Upshot article (NYT) the upside of rising interest rates.
- This one from Michael Kitces is a little heavy on the math, but is a useful and interesting analysis of how each generation experiences the stock market.
- Here is another one for numbers people about how ten-year stock market returns will change once the trough of the Great Recession is out of the calculation. (Washington Post)
- Leave it to our friend Jonathan Clements to summarize the wisdom bestowed by Jack Bogle had to say at the Bogleheads’ national conference last week.
- Fortune’s “Briefing” column tells us “How to Spot the Next Financial Crisis.”
- Fortune’s “Last Byte” graphically displays what has driven the bull market since 2007 (hint: tech companies).
Paying for College
- Cheryl Winokur Munk tells you how NOT to make the most common mistakes when paying back student loans. (WSJ)
- Student Loan debt tops $1.5 Trilllion!!! NeighborWorks America issued results of its national housing survey, which indicated debt is holding potential homebuyers back. (Washington Post)
- Harvard Economics Professor Greg Mankiw explains Trade deficits in language everyone can understand. (New York Times)
- Nobel Prize in Economics was awarded Monday. Find out about the contributions of Nordhouse and Romer. (New York Times)
- Here is an interesting piece on millennials from the New York Times and the power they do, or don’t wield.
At the heart of every online dust-up about millennials is a possibly unanswerable question: To what extent does a generation shape history, and to what extent is it shaped by history?
Chart of the Week:
- Uber earnings across the US. Want to drive the point home? Have your students play the Financial Times Uber game available NGPF.
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